They do mess with semantics - Jesus is the one who is anointed. That's what Christ and Messiah means. Anointed to be king. The term 'Christian' inherantly contains some meaning of that word but it means they are following Jesus, they don't claim his status.
However, when you study you get told that the anointed read the Bible as if it is written personally to them. Well that's how we are are supposed to read it. How else will you apply the lessons in it to yourself? It was written to teach us.
Also the concept 'children of God' gets muddled up. In one way all are children of God, that's why Christ died because God loves all of us. But many, like Stephen Lett, Anthony Morris III, David Splane are wayward, so Jesus would chastise people like that and say they are doing the will of their Father, the Devil. They are lost sheep, acting like goats. But they are still precious and God doesn't want to destroy them. He wants them to repent.
If you read the Bible carefully because you like the way Jesus was towards others, you do draw closer to God. But WBTS mess with that concept to imply that if you feel like that you are anointed to be a king. Well, it doesn't belong to anyone to say they are going to rule with Christ. All you can do is hope to be approved by Jesus Christ. (Revelation 3:21), (2 Timothy
So I'd be very cautious with the use of the term anointed. I'd suggest keeping this quote in mind, "beware the leaven of the Pharisees." (Luke 12:1)